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Workshops and projects

Explore these workshops and projects to learn more about the catchment work that Portsmouth Water undertakes and other useful information

Additional Available Nitrogen (AAN) Workshop

Soil testing machine.JPG

A joint event exploring benefits of using AAN testing as a measure of N during the growing season to water quality and growers. Stephen Woodley (S. Woodley Crop Services Ltd) presented findings from the trial and the workshop was concluded with a field walk of the trial field. Colin Headley (South Downs Farmers Group facilitator) also gave an update for the SDFG and I took the opportunity to discuss CSF’s free soil testing service. Attendance included growers, agronomists and agents with feedback largely positive but further data needed to back-up confidence in AAN testing. Presnetation is available to view by clicking on the button on the left.


Undersowing Maize Workshop 

On 25 January 2022 Catchment Sensitive Farming in partnership with Portsmouth Water held an online workshop on suitable maize management with focus on undersowing Maize.

S. Woodley Crop Services have produced a report for the Partnership that sets the results from this trial, in which it is concluded that the trial "clearly demonstrate the positive impact that under sowing maize can have on nitrate retention." Please PRESS BELOW to read the report on the Undersown Maize Trial at Whitewool Farm. 

Carbon & Nitrogen Trials Workshop

A farmer workshop presenting several catchment trials Portsmouth Water are undertaking in partnership with CSF, S.Woodley Crop Services and Farm Carbon Cutting Toolkit.


The video includes host farmer testimonials of the benefits of working with water companies trailing catchment measures. 

Improving Nutrient Efficiency

Jordans Farm Partnership farmer Nick Rowsell outlines his journey to cutting nutrient applications by 15% with no yield drop through precision testing of soil, tissue and grain samples.


By determining the needs of individual crops, nutrition can be tailored so that use is optimised and waste reduced, with benefits to the bottom line and the wider environment.


Catchment Sensitive Farming Officer Natalie Breden explains the positive impact such strategies can have for catchments such as the local Itchen, a rare chalk stream habitat.

Collaborative Carbon & Nutrient Management Project

The Carbon and Nutrient Management project is a new collaborative project between CSF and PW set up to investigate the relationship between soil carbon and nutrient retention. The Farm Carbon Toolkit (FCT) and Stephen Woodley Crop Services Ltd were also involved with the carbon footprint assessment and soil sampling/analyses.

To find out more about the Project, Outcomes and Next Steps, please press the link below!

BGS Karst Report Series: Karst in the Chalk of the South Downs

This report documents the evidence for karst and rapid groundwater flow in the Chalk of the South Downs area in Southern England. It is part of the BGS karst report series on those karst aquifers in England in which cave development is limited – principally the Upper Cretaceous Chalk and the Jurassic and Permian limestones. 

It sets out that through Karstic flow, groundwater is able to travel at up to 12km a day in some parts of the region! And that the largest natural Karstic system outlet in the area is the Havant and Bedhampton Springs from which Portsmouth Water abstract.

This is important to our partnership as an improved understanding of the groundwater environment helps us to better co-ordinate our efforts to protect the environment and the local water supply.

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