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Trials and Research


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Cover crops

South Downs Chalk Groundwater Pilot 

In the Downs and Harbours project area there are two field trials were undertaken both looking at cover cropping to reduce nitrate leaching into groundwater. To find out more about these trials click on the case studies below. 

Trial 2

Trial 1

Cover Crop trial 1- Year 2

NICCs trial

Project objectives

  • To quantify the impact of contrasting cover crop mixes and destruction techniques on over winter nitrate leaching, soil nitrogen supply (and hence crop nitrogen fertiliser requirements) and performance of the following cash crop. In particular to determine the:

  • effect of cover crop species mix on the quantity and timing of nitrogen returned to the soil

  • effect of cover crop destruction method e.g. glyphosate & min till/direct drill vs mechanical destruction & min till/direct drill

  • To determine the timing of nitrogen release from cover crops and potential legacy (year 2) effects on nitrate leaching and crop performance

To find out more about the trial follow follow the link to the website below.


Undersowing Maize trials

The report below summarises findings from a number of undersowing grass and other cover crop species on maize yeilds from the UK and Northern and Western Europe. Click the button below to read more:

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Living Mulch Trials

The report below summarises findings from a number of undersowing grass and other cover crop species on maize yeilds from the UK and Northern and Western Europe. Click the button below to read more:

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Nitrogen Reduction Trial 2020-23

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This in depth trial set out to understand and measure the effect of cutting back nitrogen applications on a crop of winter wheat. It was important to find out whether this would have an effect on the farmers yield (income for the grower) and whether this reduces nitrogen leaching to groundwater. 

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Foliar Nitrogen Trial 2020-23

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The aim of this trial was to determine the effectiveness of substituting more traditional fertilisers (granular AN, urea etc.) with a liquid urea product to potently reduce nitrate leaching to groundwater whilst maintaining crop and economic performance.

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AAN (Additional Available Nitrogen) Trials

The report below summarises findings from Additional Available Nitrogen (AAN) trials, which evaluate the effects of supplemental nitrogen application on crop yields and nutrient efficiency:

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